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Bagalja tal-kartun

A Brothersbox cardboard suitcase in your wildest dreams? Yes, that may at first and actually very odd sound, but it is in fact pretty awesome. Kaxxi tal-ippakkjar għall-bagalji case of cardboard, instead of plastic or metal (case) It is very different from typically you might see.

Choosing the Cardboard Suitcase Option

There are so many different kinds of Brothersbox suitcases to choose from when you have to select one. The plastic or metal suitcases, you may believe will protect your belonging and are strong. But doesn't it make you think about that nearly 80 pounds of luggage? It is incredibly tiring to carry a big suitcase around at the airport, and very hard labor! So, a kaxxa tal-bagalja tal-karti would be the best option. It's much lighter, So you don't have any issues while carrying it.

Why choose Brothersbox Cardboard suitcase?

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